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Monday, March 4, 2013

parenthood journey (delayed post)

** been in the draft since forever, and now Iman da 5 mo daa.
**thanks Allah for the easy pregnancy. honestly, i cant thank you much. Love you Allah soo much

First Trimester

i was taking precaution measure prior having lasik scheduled on 9 Feb 2012. yela, i'd live my life 24years already, if happen "berisi" and anything happen, the baby just nak start living. tu pun, 2, 3 hari jugak UPT  tuh terkepuk lam handbag. 27 Jan 2012, Friday morning i just done the UPT so that i can confirm my operation. in no time it turns positive. terkedu sat. pagi tuh both of us duduk mengadap masing-masing (tiba2 hari tu masuk office lambat sorang2 - 8.30am.hoho), blur. "ok, so test positive. now, what?". kitorang decided to asked the senior colleagues at the office. the next day we done another pregnancy test at the clinic to double confirm the pregnancy. as people surround me ada 2,3 orang miscarriage, plus the first trimester is the crucial stage, we just informed the news to the family and closed friends je.

first month. broga hiking somemore
very distinctive double line

the pregnancy confirmation. the initial EDD is one day prior my birthday
dan dan ben10 kata, "padan la you naik berat lately even xberapa makan. and sometimes you makan banyak". hoho. my weight shoot up from 47kg to 53kg, before tahu i pregnant. da tau pregnant terus allergic nasi, boleh? i tak boleh bau nasi, tengok nasi, even at one time tak boleh dengar pun orang sebut nasi. other than than, bau food/memasak, kari2, sup2, lauk-pauk, body odor lam LRT esp after office hour semua cannot tahan one. surely the baby will have my stomach, as ben10 tuh pure melayu, menggigil kalau tak dapat nasi even sehari. sebab i tak boleh nak makan (i did try makan nasi 2 suap, terus throw up. thus, makan chocolate, roti - suka bau bakery, buah, jajan je) my first pregnancy check up shows 50kg. haha, tak pasal2 diet.

5 weeks

the first baby scan on 14 February 2012. the embryo is 8 weeks, 1.89 cm long. my EDD shift to 23 September 2012. i got to witness the very first heartbeat, macam nak nangis pun ada, tapi tahan je la, diri sendiri je sorang2 wow, doc & nurse da biasa tengok da (ben10 last minute ada important meeting so cannot join the magical moment. wuu)
second month
pregnant jugak. auw, growing "fat" together is true love

masa 3rd month check up sangat mengharukan. the baby grows soo fast, than last check up. siap buat somersault lagi. auw. macam casper je nampak terapung-apung dalam perut tuh

third month

third month. aunties & uncles senget tak jumpa iman lagi~~~

Second Trimester

i tak sedar pun i da masuk second trimester (4th month) sebab perut tak obvious pun. still tak dapat privilege duduk dalam LRT. hehe. alhamdulillah, it sort of easy pregnancy (other than minor sickness), sampai my boss cakap i tak macam pregnant, energetic pergi meeting angkut segala barang pergi sana sini. ada some of my colleagues pun tak expect i pregnant. just that dorang tak tahu, hari-hari pukul 9 i da dah selamat beradu da. best la ben10 leh conquer tv & internet. huu

upon the 4th month check-up, doctor prescribed i ada atopic eczema (allergy to some food, pollen, dust, etc). padan la kulit "mahal" sangat -_-". the doctor advised me to exclusively breastfeeding my baby, at least till 6 months old tuk elakkan the baby get my sensitive skin. inshaAllah boleh :)

forth month

forth month

i think i felt the first movement in week 19, but it is vague.tapi, excited la, the "movement" makin rancak when ben10 and i borak and time nak tidur (habis la, baby nih macam berjaga malam je). time nih jugak adalah i merasa kaki bengkak ( tapi kejap je, maybe sebab melantak banyak sangat kat rumah mama. hoho) and cramped leg. at these time jugak i boleh take heavy meal during breakfast je, lunch & dinner either fruits / roti, kalau tak, selamat la muntah.

21 weeks

fifth month

24 weeks

25 weeks

6th month check up weight da pick up, both baby & i (650 g & 54 kg, respectively). doctor very concern suruh i careful tamau baby besar sangat

sixth month

sixth month

Third trimester

7th month, i dapat heavy brownish discharge for 2 days & given anti-fungal med. the doctor not soo worried, so i guess it is common occasion. dia lebih risau kan my weight gain, as i am now 59 kg, the heaviest as i lived (mana tak nye, even perut da sempit makanan asik keluar balik, tapi melantak coklat tak hengat dunia kot). luckily the baby just weighted 700g, M size kata doctor. da masuk 3rd trimester nih baru nampak & confirm gender baby. selama nih pemalu sangat, asik tutup je. nasib la, my mama da bebel so da beli baju siap2, set theme color je, putih & merah. ihiks

the planned check up kat kelantan tak menjadi (ben nak sangat anak dapat privilege kelantan) sebab takde masa & my mama busy (mengalahkan menteri)

the movingment, precisely ombak2 makin obvious. suka dia eh time meeting. sibuk nak meeting jugak, kicking bukan main rancak. takpun, kejut mommy bangun sahur. alololo~

seventh month

seventh month. angkut laptop and LCD for meeting during puasa

8th month, start check up kat an-nur bangi. back up kalau tak sempat balik kelantan. tak fully covered buat cara tak fully covered la kan. ihiks. the nurse & doctor semua comment perut kecik. ayat reply standard,"senang nak kurus balik nanti".haha. alhamdulillah, takde complication apa2, just doctor highlight my mama health concern (family history stated). berat pun turun 2 kg, & baby tiba2 masuk category S size (1.6 kg instead of 1.8 kg).worry not, long way to go. this time around, terbaik punya baby bagi view kat doctor, tulang belakang. tsk, ikut mommy suka tito tiarap la nih. no good la baby.

8.5th month check up, the doc still give the same remark, expecting the baby not gaining weight looking at my tummy size. skali ko, membesar bak juara, baby ngam2 2kg, ideal weight. good baby!!!

8.75th month check up at KPJ Perdana KB. susah betul nak jumpa doc nye, yela, musim2 raya ni kan. still dapat the same remark but baby is at 2.2kg. melantak raya kot. mana taknya, 2 malam taleh tidur heartburn makan banyak sangat. kena pulak sambal legend mama, memang selamat la.

2012 eid ul fitr

unfortunately, we got dilemma. tukang jaga & urut yang wan booked kena hangkut pergi KL. plan asalnya nak berpantang rumah wan, but wan is just there to main2 ngan first cicit. ihiks. our back-up plan, beranak & pantang kat KL. plus, service tukang jaga & urut kat KL ni senang nak cari.

9th month, i feel kind of heavy and got backpain. ben kata, bengkak jugak la kat belakang tuh. google pregnancy massage and its save unless u mess with the perut and tapak kaki. to make it worst, i had diarrhea, vomitting & high fever sampai suspected dengue. memang melepek kat rumah, hancus open house visit.

38weeks check-up, baby is just 50% engaged. so still keje. baby is workaholic just like PK1. hoho

39weeks check-up baru baby engaged. but still jalan keluar not there yet. at last dapat cuti starting 14 September 2013 (even then i still went to work, ada workshop. so tak boleh jumpa Prince William and Duchess that day. wuu)

40weeks check-up, doc memang da bid goodbye when i blurted out, "i think ada show during urine test tadi".jeng jeng jeng....