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Friday, November 9, 2012

parenthood journey: pregnancy with iman trivial

haha, Iman will be 2 mo next week, and here i am, updating the pregnancy trivial -_-"

pregnant with Iman : overview

UPT test. I was taking precaution measure prior having lasik scheduled on 9 Feb 2012, and it turned out positive. ingat lagi both ben10 & I stared each other clueless. unexpected betul. rezeki Allah :)
pregnancy confirmation. then baru spread the news to the close ones
14 feb 2012: the first check-up, without ben10 (he got adhoc meeting). auw, the heartbeat sound makes me touchy2
tummy growth spurt. yerp, the tummy obvious when am entering 3rd trimester. baru la dapat privilege duduk dalam LRT :)
pregnant body growth spurt

 - mommy's weight shoot from 47 kg to 59 kg.

- no severe sickness, except tak boleh tengok, bau, sebut, makan nasi and tak boleh bau memasak, lauk-pauk, body odor especially otw back dalam LRT. so, sebulan tuh memang makan ntah apa-apa, coklat, strawberry, bakery, etc.

- sangat energetic. angkut laptop, projector, meeting misc ke hulur hilir sampai orang office tak notice pun my pregnancy, yet pukul 9 da selamat beradu da. penat oi

- got atopic eczema in 4th month

- sensed the movement in 4th month. baby paling suka kicking masa meeting, borak2 ngan ben10, nak tidur malam and kejut subuh/sahur. yeah, baby Iman memang banyak mulut now

- 5th month, appetite merudum. so i make sure i had heavy breakfast, and co-ko-yets, my energy booster

- brownish discharge for 2 days during my 7th month and prescribed anti-fungal meds

- gender is confirmed in 7th month. baby pemalu sangat

- mild backpain, swollen leg and cramped led in 9th month

- diarrhea, heartburn, high fever (until suspected dengue) in 9th month

every day i google xxth week pregnancy and read all web available.best tau when you know every development stage of the baby, when it became fetus, develop the vital organ, what the baby can do, etc. rasa macam ada benda comel dalam perut. hee

btw, this  is something for us both. it is a life changing experience, alhamdulillah and inshaAllah both of us do hard to be a better person. we are now have a bigger responsible, and before betulkan orang, betulkan diri sendiri dulu kan :).


Hidayah Surea said...

xcukup detail ni. eheheeh. keep posted!