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Monday, March 4, 2013

parenthood journey: labor of Iman (delayed post)

now, the labor stage pulak.

initially, it was the 40th week check-up on 19 Sept 2012. everything goes wrong that day. both of us bangun lambat (biasa pukul 8 am da terpacak), missed turn twice. end up we reached an-nur at 9am, the latest we have ever been. luckily, waiting turn kejap je despite number 11 (biasa dapat 2nd turn)

doc scanned and the water is about 11cm2. doc siap bid farewell dengan ucapan, "see you next week, kalau tak beranak juga i have to induce you". when i told her my blood show masa buat urine test tadi. doc pun checked opening and surprised da 3 cm opened. as doc asked, i informed la yang i tak rasa sakit. terus doc do something with my opening, "this for you to feel a "little" pain. and you have to be admitted immediately"
being stubborn me, i replied, "boleh tak i masuk ward later, i nak jalan-jalan dulu. my friend kata lagi senang beranak" (yeah, i menjawab like that). doc bagi dengan syarat kena checked baby heartbeat. the test turned out ok, so i boleh merayau first. yay!!

(oh btw, the GM calling me asked about work around this time. haha)

merayau tak jauh pun, Alamanda je. tapi melantak semua food yang bakal dirindui. Triple choc dunkin donut, Tutti fruity, SushiKing. pizza tak sempat makan perut da bloated sangat da. this time i da rasa contraction, like every 10-15 minutes. ya Allah, sakit. i literally stopped walking time contraction. tu la, degil kan

balik rumah, packing macam nak balik kampung, 2 bags. yeah, i want to feel like home. end up, tak pakai pun all those things. almost everything provided by an-nur. it is easier that way. i pulak penggeli, tukar baju tak hingat

after asar, we went back to an-nur. makan kat mohd chan first, konon2 energy nak meneran. due to contraction, i larat abeskan half of the nasi ayam je.

masa nak check-in ward around maghrib, when told contraction every 10 minutes, terus kena masuk labor room. takde nak rest2 lam ward dulu. haha checked, baru (?) 4cm opened. nurse bagi ubat yakyak. sempat la sembahyang maghrib berjemaah dengan ben dalam labor room. At 8pm, when ben is putting our things & washing up in soon-will-be my ward, the midwife suggested me to take epidural. yela, everytime contraction nangis sampai sedu2. hover sangatt.

as i da amek epidural, the nurses helped me for abulation. still sembahyang isyak berjemaah dengan ben, even i kat atas katil. and then i throwed up, trice. o0o, rupanya kalau nak amek epidural tak boleh makan tau kawan2. epidural effect akan kosongkan your stomach

it's already 5cm opened, then doc Fatimah broke the water. the doc expected the labor will be 5am in the morning

i called my parents, mintak maaf, mengadu sakit (haha, manjerr). texted my closed friends informing the news. ben is always by my side, recite zikir sama-sama (an-nur memang pasang CD zikir/mengaji kat labor room, with zikir printed everywhere). kejap-kejap, bagi i minum air akar fatimah (thanks kak hana!!! really appreciate it). midwife pesan, kalau rasa nak yakyak, it is the cue. then i called the midwife sebab rasa macam da beranak. the midwife muka ketat (sebab i manja & mengada sangat kot. sakit je nangis beriya. haha). check2, da 8cm opened. gelabah midwife suruh call the gynae, prepare apa yang patut. ajar cara meneran (tak sempat pergi antenatal class.rugi.)

tiba-tiba ada little creature atas perut i, "eh, baby da keluar aku teran apa ni". hahaha. alhamdulillah, the baby is safe, delivered via  SVD (spontaneus vaginal delivery), with episiotomy. doc ingat awal2t that baby kecik than 3kg as per scanned, turned out, baby i tinggi, thus the weight is spread out - 2.9 kg, 52cm (my-baby-is-the-best syndrome, every proud mommy has it :))

my MIL and SIL arrived an-nur

- 3 signs of labor (either of three) - as quoted by doc Fatimah (my gynae)
1. water breaks
2. blood shows
3. contraction (stomach cramped)

- meneran - as taught by my midwife
1. breath in, panjang2
2. breath out, without sound, without angkat ur buttock (avoid tearing)
3. stop awhile, jangan breath in termengah-mengah as the baby's head will be sucked in
4. repeat until baby keluar