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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

i fit pant size 26~~~~~~~~~~

so i da kurus and boleh reward myself with another jw chocolate jar???

**went shopping semalam, try soo many thing, end up buy nothing. urgh. menyanpah bila everytime tengok baju2 teringat it's alot cheaper in bandung. s.a.y.a i.n.g.i.n s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g !!!

**looking for lower heels, end up cube higher than 3inches gladiator platform. shoot. asal la heels lawa made for killing..

**ada dior photoshoot for a week start this week kat JJ ipoh, tapi kena beli voucher RM200 dulu. ehem ehem, dior addict 2 smell noice kn kn kn?? ehe