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fae's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, September 28, 2009

fae is aged 50kg now..

**kesilapan tatabahasa adalah ekoran writer mengalami post-raya stress..

photo snapped right after raya. purposely pakai black cardi for the slimming effect. i hope!. ommo ommo, look at that cushy,chubby cheek. sangat macam kusyen pengantin lelaki duduk nak akad nikah. i bet each held the additional 2.5 kg each. ok. going down. waah, i never know am that voluptuous. selama diejek flat ass, now i got butt. weeeehu!! da sexy bila pakai kebaya. kalau pakai la, even baju kurung pon setahun 2kali je pakai, tuk raya. (ok, that's are comfort sentence). speak of comfort2 nih, i think i know the culprit...
cang!!!! jw chocolate breadspread. seminggu wajib, repeat, wajib abes 1jar. seriously, every week drag ben10 pegi tesco pengkalan just for this comfort food. puasa ni, tahan la 1jar for 2weeks. ehe

see inside. muahaha. selalunya spread atas beskut IKO, kadang2 celup sudu macam makan nasi. adoyai, memang padan da berusia 50kg.
high fibre beskut memang bagus untuk orang yang sembelit macam saya. alasan. melahap macam 40hari tak makan end up saket jantung baru tau.
ehe. ni tupperware kosong. semalam, isi nya choc-pecan-macam-famous-amos cookies mama ben. dalam 2hari je da abes. actually, purposely tinggalkan 2last cookies so boleh cakap kat ben10, "ur cookies 2hari je da abes". so tadela nampak kebulur sangat. and and, aku abeskan Im (adek ben10) nye cookies time stuck dalam jam in kelantan-UTP journey. tak malu betol
hoyeah, and melahap chocolate brownies kat rumah salam and later choc brownies nade' pulak. muahaha. (bila nak start diet berusia 45 kg nih??)
anyway, have you heard of green, creepy alien from venus had invading earth last raya for more choc cookies??

the creepy alien jakun tak penah tengok camera
(ok, boring sebab merajuk dengan fikri berebut laptop even sorang ada satu laptop. so masuk tito pukul 9malam. bajet protes laa. but later i get the laptop. muahaha)

hoyeah, the alien get comfortable with the camera. (aaa, lupa. the green thing is mask, for my so called sign-of-maturity on my face. urgh!)

oOo, alien ni ada hikmat tukar2 pesen rambut.

ok. ni da lebey. ok la. bagi chance, nak sangat bang kan rambut

curl ala vanessa hudgens pulak
**saya berusia 45kg sebelum intern, 47kg selepas intern, 50 kg selepas raya. and menganggur karang don't say i'll be over 50kg. stress. stress. stress
**and ben10 lost 3kg despite his doraemon belly. really not fair ok
**supposely am labing right now, but most, no no, all the lab technicians still cuti raya lagi. adoyai, i have to submit the poster next week and i've done nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**this post is serious mengarut&merepek