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fae's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 20, 2010

"anak dara dia tak boleh marah, kita kena marah balik" -mama-

i wish i can invent a new nut genesis so that you wont coughing when you nibble your favourite snack, because when you do, am worry to death

** "abah salin kulit (?) dua kali kat cairo dulu. balik2 malaysia semua cakap abah putih macam cina". zzz. sekarang dah tau trait ni datang dari siapa :)


oyenks said...

eyes cannot lying.
its you dear.still same, not changing too much.teehee.

and your hair!
it's just like me even now.
suka mengerinting naik ke atas.
bila gunting konon boleh sama kan
but then it's grow back same as before.
but i do love my hair
and your hair to0! :)
it's unique babe.

oh and also i love your fair skin.so adorable too see.and sexy ops.
thats why i'm choose him.eh tetibe.

fae ramly said...

hehe, tapi nape ntah ramai je ckp len ngn muka da besar ni, maybe da reach puberty kot (the jerawat & all. xsuke!!!)

my newly grown hair da curl blk!!!
haih, it's in the root btw
tp, curl rock!
skrg semua pon nak curl hair :P

siapakah that him? gosh, it's been awhile. wajib gossip nnt!!!!

bellabelon said...

Cutenye fae mase kecik! hehee bella ni :)

fae ramly said...


sowi br perasan ur comment. blog nih sgt terbiar -_-"

thx :))