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fae's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 1, 2010

response and random

in response to oyenks request, the baby of us. hikhik

blur la pulak.

actually, tuh photo fikri & ben10 merged together, alaa, ada blood line jugak kan. fikri pon muka macam pak usu. hee. plus, this a lot look like ben10. suke~

**takde softcopy ben10 masa kecik pulak. huu

**bahagia, when all sit down and recite yassin together

**percaya toyol tak? abah hilang duit more or less RM1k. pelik nye, RM50 note je yang diambil. i pon hilang RM50. cet


oyenks said...

thanks babe!
ingatkan takde
rupanya ada
he he he
baby comel tp mata sepet
ikut sapa tuh ehhh

fae ramly said...

kata takde keje. haha.

hehe, yang penting hidung kena ikut ben, yang len tak payah pon takpe. hehe