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fae's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

these are bad influences

~sorry for not sleeping yet, ben10~

**exhausted, physically and emotionally


oyenks said...

penat ape ni yang?

fae ramly said...

one-day KL journey, first time naik train. skali, semua trip (train batu gajah-KL, KL-batu gajah, KL sentral-MidValley, MidValley-KL sentral) delay. tak pasal2 emo lak.
psst: paw ben dress polka dot pulak. nnt comment eyh. ben yang pilih. ehe

oyenks said...

another dress to be in ur closet!
no no no!
(hell yeahh i 'm soo0o0 jealous aite noW ggrrrR~) :P

weh babe, semalam g thai carnival, i nampak dress u, then ada minat satu dress, peacock punye design, tp bodo tak beli.. erghhhh~

fae ramly said...

alaaaaaaaa. asal tak beli???

~pegi IP beli that dress then snap2 masuk ur blog sekarang!!!~
