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fae's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

significant indeed

just done with my FYP presentation. even report still have to alter here and there, WTHeck! i am officially graduated and jobless. muahaha. anyhow, the presentation went smoothly, alhamdulillah~

this date, 23 years back was my parents wedding.


**malas tanya "orang rumah" buat apa. nanti jeles. ahaha

back,back then and back then. ahaha

lidah pedas jawa & lidah manis kelantan. sekarang da xpedas xmanis. ehe


oyenks said...

boleh bubuh komen ekkkkk!
testing testing
la la la la la!

fae ramly said...

tp, ada kena mintak permission lk. xpe, blh comment da kire ok. nnt, setting2 lg. ehe

Da^Aviator said...

ustad muda nyer...hehe

fae ramly said...

and handsome, kacak bergaya, breathtaking. first rank kalah semua korean "machoman&jambu", in fact, tak ter"celen". ehe