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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cushioned feet

Prior to Chin Woo biathlon this 13dec09, Ben10 been training his ass off, from a scratch!!, "brick" style (mocking the real competition). 800m swim and followed by 7km running is no joke for those yang “unfit”.

First 1.1km, right after 800m swim. Still can senyum and pose

The next 1.1km. senyum tetap maintain

That’s it for today. muahaha

And as Ben10 always get blister at his side feet resulted from his running, we went high&low searching running shoes for his so-called “motion-control” and overpronators feet. Ben10 bottom parts always have problem fitting in this normal world. muahaha. Meet ben10’s downshifter, specially designed for motion and stability.

This is the third store we went. He really dugging up&down aite?

It is not about aesthetic, but functionality, and of course bajet. Ehe

Downshifter in action. Ben10 did 800m swim and 4.4km running today. Spirit kasut baru?! Ehe
**Am a cushioned with neutral pronation type of feet. now i get it why my feet can't stand stiletto without cushion.