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Monday, July 27, 2009

pre kinabalu mount climb: bukit kledang hiking

depart from UTP: 0740 (it is already late!!!!)
route: tar. beginner meh. start with the easier *we thought* route. the second route is stairs. gonna try it next time. in fact, most peeps ascending with stair route and hike down by the tar route. err...
start ascending: 0800 (approximately. lupa tengok jam)
reach peak at 3000ft: 1030
start descending: 1050
reach bottom: 1230

upon arriving, banyak gile kereta. when done hiking, our CAD left all alone. wuuhuu

the malay cyclists.

see. ramai dah descend time kitorang ascent. most of them are chinese. adala beberapa kerat indians and malays (the malays not that friendly. we lagi banyak greet the old chinese folks). among the hikers are baby baru belajar bejalan and anjing comel2 attracted to ben orange shirt. haha. tanya uncle mr chin lookalike, die pukul 7 lagi dah start hiking (mind you, he is a pro climber. siap cakap lagi, kinabalu mount is very easy indeed!!!!)

kalis waterfall along the way. mini one though

check GPS. bape KM da hike. oyeah. forget to tell you it is 7km up and 7km down. 14 km in total, and that is enough to burn your 2500 calorie. yeehaaa~!

curam??? this is nothing. believe me. the most curam one lupe to snap picture sebab....hee

road to not taken (err, betul ke? lama siot tinggal baju seragam sekolah). to auther right is kledang bawah, where TNB and celcom situated. to the left is higher up, kledang atas. consist of pencawang RTM, astro?? and radio amateur melayu penang, ASTRA. i suggest you to proceed to kledang atas, as kledang bawah is already polluted by some irresponsible peeps (marah.marah)

curam&kabus. memang sejuk la. tudung abes basah kena dew (mistakenly ingat hujan gerimis. hehe)

this is pencawang celcom kledang bawah. full bar tuh line kat sini.

another pencawang at kledang bawah

the peak. pencawang RTM at kledang atas

radio amateur melayu penang repeater (is it? tak study radio amateur term nih. hehe). somebody left radio here, I think for emergency purposes.

the scenery from up here not that good due to haze. isk. btw, big mistake la we start climbing at 0800. abes tanned kulit I ber"sun bathe" on the way turun. next time, 0700 da start hiking da.
**sila bawa food tuk alas perut jika tidak mahu mengamuk kelaparan once reach bottom and kena marah. hee