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Sunday, June 14, 2009

classic&versatile it is...

presenting my wardrobe theme...
*actually, i hate limiting my choice, but, i can say this is my retail guideline, to avoid over-splurging*


"xreput dek hujan,xlapuk dek zaman"
*btol ke idiom tuh?almaklumla,BM dpt B3.LOL*
classic is sth that not following the trend, yet it is always in..
*eg: jeans, clean cut white shirt, LBD*

trend change every second,
& i barely cling to it..
but,purchasing a few pieces of "in" items ok je..
the particular trend will always comeback for good..
so,bli,be trend follower *trend setter in blog*, simpan lam closet, & re-pakai when the trend dtg blk..

cum practical cum multipurpose..
in a simple explaination,
"an attire can worked thousand ways to suit the event, with additional accesory"
*i guess i should put up must-have-accesory later on.will do.no worries*
below gives u some idea how to work ur great white shirt more than office wear

versatile other word is mix&match
*fae dictionary*
to do that, "it" have to have block colour..
my favourite are

-white: my favourite.but due to it's easily stained condition, i opt for
-black: no doubt is the all-time-saviour
-brown: out of blue suke this colour. must, watchout for the tone
-grey is good either, not very much of my liking tho
-& ur favourite colour. i bet ur closet must be full of ur favourite


till now..